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I am reaching out to you to ask for your continued support of Dawn's fundraiser to bring Katie o

Dear Friends, I hope you all had an amazing summer! Thank you for your continued support of Katie's adoption, we have now raised over $9,300 from your generous donations and support of our fundraising auction and kids clothing sale!

Today is Katie’s 9th birthday, and we are sad not to spend it with her however our agency has promised to make sure she has a wonderful day. September is a big month for her, not only with her birthday but she is also starting school outside the children’s home in preparation for coming to the US. This is huge for her, at age 9 to have her first chance of attending a great school. We had originally planned to travel to meet Katie in August however the cost of the flights was extremely high so I decided to postpone until October. We are scheduled to fly to Sierra Leone on October 5th for 5 days. This visit is a ‘match trip’ which is required trip by the Government as part of the adoption process in order to meet Katie and spend time bonding together. There will be two other trips later in the process for the SL court and US Embassy. Mali and I are very excited to finally meet her in person. After this trip we will have completed the 6-month relationship requirements for the adoption and can move on to next phase of getting ready for a court date. I am praying that all aligns both with the Government and financially for her to be home by the end of the year, in time for the holidays. I am reaching out to you to ask for your continued support of our fundraiser. We deeply appreciate any amount that you are able to donate.Please also share our fundraiser with your friends and family and help us extend the community who helps give this beautiful girl the chance of a better life, the love of a family, and most importantly, help bring her home as soon as possible. Thank you again for opening and reading my emails and for all your support and prayers. We are so grateful! Love Dawn & Mali - Thank you!

Tax Deductible Donations

If you would like to make a tax deductible donations please visit

OTHER WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE Gently Worn Clothes For those living locally, I will be collecting more gently used clothes to take on the trip for kids age 0-12 years old. (There are now 40 children in the home so the need is growing and on-going). I have a nice collection of summer clothes left over from the Kids Clothing Sale and have room for more. It would be great to get more clothes for the kids age 7-12 (girls & boys). If anyone has friends with kids in this age group who could donate please ask them to contact me. The weather is temperate so summer clothes are good year round. Formula / Diapers & Pull-Ups / Single Bed Sheets There is also a great need for formula and diapers/pull-ups for special needs kids and single bed sheets. If you would like to donate or order online and ship to my home address, please email me so we can make arrangements. Donations would need to arrive by Oct 1st. I will take be two-four large suitcase of donations on this next trip. Please share our fundraiser with your friends, family, church, synagogue, or other organization and help get the message out! Contact me for a pdf/flyer.

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